A Unique Mind Control and Hypnosis Program

Create an entirely new sentient personality within yourself.

Become someone new: Create an alternate persona who will take over your mind, speech, and actions and behave as the ideal submissive man.


Can't find the right Dominant Lady? Create your ideal Dominant Woman who will command and instruct you from within your own mind, who knows all your thoughts and feelings.


Allow a real Dominant Woman to clone an exact replica of her voice, ideas, thoughts and desires inside your mind to command you 24/7.

A permanent split in the mind...

Can it be done?

Yes! Taking advantage of the brain's innate neuroplasticity, Ms. V. uses repetitive exercises and erotic hypnotic programming over a period of 6 months. This relentless conditioning causes your mind to split and develop a secondary personality with their own voice, their own likes and dislikes, their own desires and values. A fully sentient being. They can be the best version of yourself without fears, hang-up and bad habits, or they can be an entirely new person. They can even be a clone of a living Dominant Lady you'd like to have commanding and guiding your every move.

Break through inner limitations holding you back.

Ever wish you could get through any resistance and become the most subservient, competent, obedient submissive you could ever be? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go through your everyday life normally and then be able to switch on sub space with a word, and become the most pleasing slave a Dominant Woman could ever desire? What if you could turn off all that ego chatter and drop into surrender and submission at Her will? With a little consistent effort Succubus Tech makes that easy.

Develop a D/s relationship like no other.

Whether you are longing to meet a Dominant Lady to really take control, or you want your current Dominant to have unlimited access to your mind 24/7 365, like a constant relentless observer, correcting your mistakes and influencing your every move, Succubus Tech will create a relationship with a depth of intimacy most humans never experience in their lifetime. There is nothing she cannot know about you. Not even your thought or subconscious impulses are private.

You'll Never Be The Same Again...

Ms. V is now accepting up to 12 subjects at a time to personally guide through her unique Succubus Tech mind control and hypnosis program

(*please note: a signed NDA is required to participate).

The program takes a minimum of three and maximum six months to complete. Note that the commitment during that period is intensive. DAILY assignments, writing and audio hypnosis sessions are required for the program to be effective! And you must commit to at least three months of Ms. V.’s supervision. The last three to nine months after can be done with Ms. V’s guidance or on your own.

Once the 12 slots are filled they will not become open again until a subject finishes the course. The materials provided can be used multiple times for different purposes.

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